Source code for zero_ex.contract_wrappers.i_wallet

"""Generated wrapper for IWallet Solidity contract."""

# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments

import json
from typing import (  # pylint: disable=unused-import

from eth_utils import to_checksum_address
from mypy_extensions import TypedDict  # pylint: disable=unused-import
from hexbytes import HexBytes
from web3 import Web3
from web3.contract import ContractFunction
from web3.datastructures import AttributeDict
from web3.providers.base import BaseProvider

from zero_ex.contract_wrappers.bases import ContractMethod, Validator
from zero_ex.contract_wrappers.tx_params import TxParams

# Try to import a custom validator class definition; if there isn't one,
# declare one that we can instantiate for the default argument to the
# constructor for IWallet below.
    # both mypy and pylint complain about what we're doing here, but this
    # works just fine, so their messages have been disabled here.
    from . import (  # type: ignore # pylint: disable=import-self
except ImportError:

[docs] class IWalletValidator( # type: ignore Validator ): """No-op input validator."""
try: from .middleware import MIDDLEWARE # type: ignore except ImportError: pass
[docs]class IsValidSignatureMethod(ContractMethod): """Various interfaces to the isValidSignature method."""
[docs] def __init__( self, web3_or_provider: Union[Web3, BaseProvider], contract_address: str, contract_function: ContractFunction, validator: Validator = None, ): """Persist instance data.""" super().__init__(web3_or_provider, contract_address, validator) self._underlying_method = contract_function
[docs] def validate_and_normalize_inputs( self, _hash: Union[bytes, str], signature: Union[bytes, str] ): """Validate the inputs to the isValidSignature method.""" self.validator.assert_valid( method_name="isValidSignature", parameter_name="hash", argument_value=_hash, ) self.validator.assert_valid( method_name="isValidSignature", parameter_name="signature", argument_value=signature, ) return (_hash, signature)
[docs] def call( self, _hash: Union[bytes, str], signature: Union[bytes, str], tx_params: Optional[TxParams] = None, ) -> Union[bytes, str]: """Execute underlying contract method via eth_call. Validates a hash with the `Wallet` signature type. :param hash: Message hash that is signed. :param signature: Proof of signing. :param tx_params: transaction parameters :returns: magicValue `bytes4(0xb0671381)` if the signature check succeeds. """ (_hash, signature) = self.validate_and_normalize_inputs( _hash, signature ) tx_params = super().normalize_tx_params(tx_params) returned = self._underlying_method(_hash, signature).call( tx_params.as_dict() ) return Union[bytes, str](returned)
[docs] def estimate_gas( self, _hash: Union[bytes, str], signature: Union[bytes, str], tx_params: Optional[TxParams] = None, ) -> int: """Estimate gas consumption of method call.""" (_hash, signature) = self.validate_and_normalize_inputs( _hash, signature ) tx_params = super().normalize_tx_params(tx_params) return self._underlying_method(_hash, signature).estimateGas( tx_params.as_dict() )
# pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods,too-many-instance-attributes
[docs]class IWallet: """Wrapper class for IWallet Solidity contract. All method parameters of type `bytes`:code: should be encoded as UTF-8, which can be accomplished via `str.encode("utf_8")`:code:. """ is_valid_signature: IsValidSignatureMethod """Constructor-initialized instance of :class:`IsValidSignatureMethod`. """
[docs] def __init__( self, web3_or_provider: Union[Web3, BaseProvider], contract_address: str, validator: IWalletValidator = None, ): """Get an instance of wrapper for smart contract. :param web3_or_provider: Either an instance of `web3.Web3`:code: or `web3.providers.base.BaseProvider`:code: :param contract_address: where the contract has been deployed :param validator: for validation of method inputs. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-statements self.contract_address = contract_address if not validator: validator = IWalletValidator(web3_or_provider, contract_address) web3 = None if isinstance(web3_or_provider, BaseProvider): web3 = Web3(web3_or_provider) elif isinstance(web3_or_provider, Web3): web3 = web3_or_provider else: raise TypeError( "Expected parameter 'web3_or_provider' to be an instance of either" + " Web3 or BaseProvider" ) # if any middleware was imported, inject it try: MIDDLEWARE except NameError: pass else: try: for middleware in MIDDLEWARE: web3.middleware_onion.inject( middleware["function"], layer=middleware["layer"], ) except ValueError as value_error: if value_error.args == ( "You can't add the same un-named instance twice", ): pass self._web3_eth = web3.eth functions = self._web3_eth.contract( address=to_checksum_address(contract_address), abi=IWallet.abi() ).functions self.is_valid_signature = IsValidSignatureMethod( web3_or_provider, contract_address, functions.isValidSignature, validator, )
[docs] @staticmethod def abi(): """Return the ABI to the underlying contract.""" return json.loads( '[{"constant":true,"inputs":[{"internalType":"bytes32","name":"hash","type":"bytes32"},{"internalType":"bytes","name":"signature","type":"bytes"}],"name":"isValidSignature","outputs":[{"internalType":"bytes4","name":"magicValue","type":"bytes4"}],"payable":false,"stateMutability":"view","type":"function"}]' # noqa: E501 (line-too-long) )
# pylint: disable=too-many-lines